Awards and Famous People

Awards and Honours

Though relatively young, the SMC Faculty enjoys a host of enthusiastic professors, researchers, and students in the areas of insurance, finance, and regional studies. Below, the ECI members who have received national and international awards and honours are named. The list is not exhaustive and is going to be completed.

Staff Awards

  • In 2003, Dr Ghadir Mahdavi succeeded in receiving a full-funded postdoctoral fellowship from Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences;

Student Awards

  • In 2018, Mr Bagher Nasir, a Master's student in the Department of Insurance Management, received the 2nd Prize in Photography from the United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network (USSUN);
  • In 2019, Mr Bagher Nasir, a Master's student in the Department of Insurance Management, received a certificate of appreciation from the United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network (USSUN) in the PHOCOS Contest.
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