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The ECO College of Insurance (ECI), as the title shows, is affiliated both to Allameh Tabatabai University (ATU) and the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO). The College is active in the two areas of Insurance Management and Regional Studies. Enjoying 11 experienced and renowned faculty members, the ECI is currently offering relevant degree programmes in the Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels to interested students and researchers.
From the 11 faculty in ECI, only one member is an instructor, though highly experienced and renowned in the country in the areas of actuarial science and finance; of the remaining faculty, about 30 per cent are associate professors and the other 60 per cent are the young, talented assistant professors interested in the areas of regional studies and insurance management.
Currently, all degree programmes in the ECI are provided in English. The College is multi-cultural and students are annually admitted from as diverse countries as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Iran. From the five degree programmes offered, one is a dual degree programme where should students spend two terms in the ECI and two in the Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia. ECI is supervised by the Regional Cooperation Development (RCD) Ministerial Council, the Economic Cooperation Organisation, and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran, and the experienced faculty members at Allameh Tabatabai University guarantee the quality of education and high employability of the graduates.
All foreign students, that is those with non-Iranian nationalities, admitted to the College could receive accommodation services in ATUs residence halls. Foreign students and applicants are highly welcome to ask their enquiries from the admission office at admissions@atu.ac.ir.
Biruni Centre for Iran-Kazakhstan Economic Studies was established in 2019. Opened in partnership with the Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, the BCIKES is mainly focused on economics.
As a result of ATU's partnership with Shanghai International Studies University, the CCR was established in ATU in 2018. The Centre is mainly focused on research in the area of Iran-China relations.
Khayyam Center was established by ATU at University of Nebrija, Madrid in 2018. It is a cultural, scientific centre, introducing the Iranian culture, language, and history to international community.
USSUN is the association consisting of student representatives from SUN member universities. USSUN students try to pursue peace and prosperity through organising various sciticific and cultural events.